Visiting Us at Worship
Worship is meaningful to our faith.
It is a time for us to gather
as family in Christ,
to praise and worship Jesus,
our Lord and Savior.
Summer Adult Sunday School - June, July and August 2024
9:15 a.m.
Worship Service - June, July and August 2024
10:00 a.m. Summer Worship Service
There will be NO Children's Sunday School during the Summer months.
1st Sundays
Pennies for Hunger
Children's Offering
3rd Sundays
Worship Q&A
1. What's worship service like?
During most services we have a responsive call to worship, prayer of confession, a moment with our children, scripture readings, sermon, offering, and singing from a hymnbook.
2. What to wear?
The important thing is not what you wear but that you come! Wear what you have, because on any given Sunday you'll find someone in a jacket or dress, and then someone in a golf shirt or shorts.
3. Children at church?
Children of all ages are welcomed into worship, even the crying ones!
Parents may choose nursery for their younger children. And we offer a children's sermon time during service, along with worship activity bulletins for children ages Grades 4-6 and Grades 7-12.