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First Presbyterian

A community cornerstone in Christ since 1850.

"For I was hungry and you gave me food,

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,

I was a stranger and you welcomed me,

I was naked and you gave me clothing,

I was sick and you took care of me,

I was in prison and you visited me."

Matthew 25:35-36 NRSV


​​The Family Life Center also serves as a donation collection site for FPC ministries,

including items needed for local food banks, school supplies, international discipleship missions,

and aging outreach ministries.

Sandhills Moore Coalition for Human Care
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Food Bank 1st Saturdays at the Robbins' Food Bank of

Robbins Area Christian Ministries.

7:30-10 a.m.

FIRST SATURDAYS - every month.

Serve as many Food Bank First Saturdays as you'd like - to fit your schedule!

Upcoming Dates

March 5

April 6

To carpool, meet in the FPC parking lot on the first Saturday of every month at 7 a.m.


Gratefully, so much food is distributed that plastic grocery bags are always needed. 

Please donate bags to the FPC Family Life Center Donation Station

before our next Food Bank visit.


Sandhills Moore Coalition for Human Care

FPC Carthage collects boxes of instant mashed potatoes for

The Sandhills/Moore Coalition for Human Care.

Simply drop off boxes at our

Family Life Center Donation Station anytime throughout the year.

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Food Bank Back Pack Pals Kids Meals & Mo
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Simple gifts of raisins and crackers in support of BackPack Pals of Moore County

 with the Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC, help local children and their families who struggle with the most basic of needs. 


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Through Robbins Food Bank, Robbins Area Christian Minsitries distributes other much-needed items for

local neighbors.

Toilet paper and plastic grocery bags are always needed for every family, and many are in need of household crock pots, blenders and nutribullets.  Any of these gently used small appliances are gladly accepted, along with a few basic cleaning supplies - Swiffer Wet Jet liquid refills and floor mop pads.

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Every year, FPC Youth help share the Gospel with children around the globe with a simple gift - Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

In November, you can help FPC Youth fill shoeboxes for 350 children! 


Simply provide small items for shoeboxes that will be distributed internationally by Samaritan's Purse.

FPC's Family Life Center serves as a donation site for missions and ministries.  Our Youth Group is packing OCC shoeboxes for National Collection Week – once the date is set your offer to donate items needed for girls and boys ages 2-14 would be greatly appreciated.  Please consider dropping off any of the following items at the Fpc Carthage Family Life Center Donation Station: socks, underwear, shirts, washcloths, soap, crayons, coloring books, small toys, and small musical instruments, as well as plastic shoe box size containers.  Youth will volunteer at an OCC Processing Center in in November or December!

Check out this video to learn more!!!

Operation Christmas Child Overview 2021, Full - YouTube

Operation Christmas Child
2024 National Collection Week
(To be determined)

Every year, National Collection Week takes place the third week in November when more than 4,500 drop-off locations are open across the country. Throughout the year, you can also Build a Shoebox Online, or mail or drop off your gift-filled shoeboxes to our offices in Boone or Charlotte, North Carolina. 

Please stop by the FPC Family Life Center to drop off shoebox items Monday - Thursday

during regular office hours,

or on Sunday mornings.



Learn more about

Shoebox Discipleship.

Click on

"The Amazing Journey

of a Simple Shoebox Gift."



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Carthage Elementary
home of the Bulldogs
Each year First Presbyterian Church has a school supply drive  for children at Carthage Elementary School. Watch out for upcoming notices of the drive and join us as we provide for children at Carthage Elementary School.

supporting Carthage Elementary students in need

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Many residents of Carthage’s Peak Resources Pinelake nursing home do not have close by family or loved ones

to help with certain necessities.


You can help by donating small items of comfort including:

  • lotion

  • body wash

  • chapstick

  • shampoo

  • toothpaste

  • hair accessories

  • back scratchers

  • blankets

  • socks

  • pajamas and sweats (various sizes)

  • bird feeders

  • small radios

  • word searches

  • games

  • coloring supplies

  • puzzles      



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110 South Ray Street     PO Box 397     Carthage, NC 28327

​​(910) 947-2924

First Presbyterian

​​A cornerstone for Christ since 1850.

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​First Presbyterian Church Carthage © 2021    

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