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One Thousand Gifts Ann Voskamp Summer Co

suSummer Community Bible Study1Si

Come and share in a time of discovering the gifts that we overlook from God,

such as dandelions, little giggles, dirty laundry, and difficult times.


Using the devotional, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, you are invited to join a special group of pilgrims on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. this summer at the Aroma Cafe in Carthage.  Come early and treat yourself to a tasty treat at the Cafe, and then join us upstairs for a restorative time of reflecting upon how the weekly devotions have touched our hearts and inspired our prayers with God. 


For 2019, our first session will be June 13th, ending August 15th.  Due to the Fourth of July falling on a Thursday, we will meet on Tuesday, July 2nd of that week.


Looking forward to "traveling" with you this summer!


Our facilitator this summer will be Nancy Libertini, a new resident in Carthage from the

Peninsula Delaware Conference of the

United Methodist Church, 

where she served as the leader of the Dover District Prayer Team that serves 100 churches. 

Nancy has Masters degree in Pastoral Counseling from

Loyola University in Maryland,

and is a member of Carthage United Methodist Church.



Please register now by emailing or calling:


Dorris Russell        

(910) 949-6549


Nancy Libertini   

(910) 722-2113


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